Your Wake-Up Call


Rethinking Norms: How Party Culture Kills Our Potential

creativity health mindset potential purpose retreat Jun 05, 2024

True power isn't found at the bottom of a glass. It’s found in the sunrise of a new day, in the clarity of a morning workout, and in the mindful choices we make.

I've been thinking a lot lately because I rarely find myself going out for fun anymore. After years of trying to enjoy the endless happy hours, night club events, pub nights, etc. I realized going to those events really does nothing for me. And for some reason, I'm having trouble finding peers that feel the same way.

I miss real fun. Going out in the sun, doing cartwheels on the grass, connecting over a picnic, exploring new places. When life gets hard or busy, our culture seems to default to gathering at night to sit, drink, and complain about our problems. But I have a real conviction that we don’t have to connect around how difficult life is. We can live in possibility by taking the steps to overcome our obstacles. It takes being bold in the face of obstacles to heal. It takes facing your fears and doubts. It takes not being complacent with how your life is going if you’re not happy with it. Taking on challenges, to me, sounds like so much more fun than commiserating in your sorrows. 

How we're indoctrinated into partying

In college, we're often taught that alcohol, partying, staying up late, and eating a ton of junk food equals fun. It’s as if we're being conditioned to love our coping mechanisms and being trained to use them as an escape from the 9-5 corporate culture we're being indoctrinated into. Then, when we're out of college, we're funneled into happy hours for booze and networking. The cycle continues, and before we know it, these coping mechanisms become the norm.

I remember when I was in grad school, every Sunday, I would go to the same nightclub to dance. One night, as I was standing outside talking to the bouncer, he told me something that made me think. He said he could see I was going to do more with my life. He mentioned that he sees the same people come again and again, year after year, and they never go anywhere else or do anything new. His words struck a chord with me. I went to that nightclub to hang out with famous dancers, but here was someone from the outside telling me there's so much more to life.

Real Joy Comes from Connection

It’s okay to party and let loose. It’s okay to enjoy a few drinks here and there. What I don't find valuable is when we turn a few drinks into everything that we do and look forward to. It suppresses our real potential and creativity. We forget to ask ourselves what more we can offer in our life.

Real fun and joy come from genuine connections and meaningful experiences, not from the fleeting escape that alcohol, sugar, and junk food provide. These substances are not rewards; they’re coping mechanisms that distract us from facing our fears and doubts, from taking bold steps towards healing and growth.

Boldness in the Face of Obstacles

Living powerfully means not settling for a life where complaining about our hardships becomes our fun. It means embracing the challenges, facing our fears, and not being complacent with how things are if we’re not happy with them. It’s about realizing our potential and striving for a life that is rich in experiences and connections, not just escapes.

Are you Fulfilled by Your Fun?

I encourage you to reflect on how you spend your time and what you look forward to. Are you finding joy and fulfillment in meaningful ways, or are you stuck in a cycle of temporary escapes? Let’s start living powerfully, beyond the bars and beyond the coping mechanisms, by embracing our potential and seeking genuine connections.

Join our Fall Retreat and Rediscover Your Creativity

If you feel inspired to tap into your innate creativity and joy, I hope you'll join us for our Fall Creativity and Self-Discovery Retreat! Held at a gorgeous villa in the beautiful lands of Murrieta, CA, my retreat partner Rachel and I will be guiding participants through 3 days of self-exploration, connection, and fun, healthy activities. Give your body, mind and spirit an extra boost of R&R. Hope to see you there!

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