Club Phoenix

Solocast: Choose Yourself Before You Lose Yourself

Season #2

Welcome back to From the Ashes! In today’s short and sweet solocast, I reflect on the impact of shame and self-esteem on how we show up in the world. I share my personal journey of navigating these challenges and the life-changing lessons I’ve learned about reclaiming your worth. This episode concludes with a recording of my recent speech, “Choose Yourself Before You Lose Yourself,” where I discuss the importance of stepping into your power and embracing your true potential.

About Valerie:

Valerie Hwang Beck is a holistic wellness coach and personal growth mentor with a passion for empowering individuals to boldly transform their lives. As the founder of Intrepid Wellness and creator of the year-long mentorship program Club Phoenix, Valerie specializes in guiding people through life’s challenges to emerge healthier, more resilient, and purpose-driven.

With a foundation as a certified Ayurvedic practitioner and over a decade of combined experience in holistic health, education, and personal growth coaching, Valerie blends ancient wisdom with modern approaches to deliver transformative insights. Her podcast, From the Ashes, features dynamic discussions of personal growth, discovery, and human resilience.

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Are You Ready to Evolve?

Thank you for tuning in to this episode of From the Ashes. My goal is to inspire listeners to embrace their personal growth and evolution towards a fulfilling, vibrant life. If you are feeling the call to uplevel your life, let’s chat.

Click here to book a 30-minute Evolve YOU session with Valerie. Looking forward to connecting!

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